Logo Caggiati

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Homepage / History


Founded in 1959 by charismatic Claudio Caggiati its history is characterized by development and passion, which made Caggiati one of the most important funerary production company in Europe. At first the company was a family business one, but nowadays its brand is worldwide known: based on research, tradition, respect, passion and strength, now Caggiati is the worldwide leading company for funeral elements development and production. In 1999 the company was acquired by Matthews Group, based in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (USA), maintaining its brand and consolidating its reputation.


A quality service guaranteed by a wide sales network in Italy, several European Headquarters and some exclusive distributors.
Direct contact between sales network and customers is a standing value for Caggiati, even if the recent introduction of software and programmes which speed up the large amount of orders make possible to satisfy quickly each customer.

  • Yesterday / Door-to-door selling
  • Today / online orders


Understanding market changes and its new needs is our step towards innovation. Our strength is a deep knowledge of the funeral market and a balanced work on research, technology and artisan tradition.

  • Yesterday / products in the ’60s and ‘70s
  • Today


We are always been driven by passion and by a deep knowledge of the market. Caggiati is a company of the Matthews Group.

  • Yesterday
  • Today

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